What: Metapattern’s first spin-off company, Advance builds and operates nomadic camps for creative exploration. Think 21st-century zen safari camp. Off-grid eco-luxury, packed into modified shipping containers and deployable anywhere on Earth to host intimate gatherings for groups to connect with themselves, each other and Nature.
Metapattern developed the entire project including initial concept, business plan, physical architecture, furniture, experience design, operations strategy, brand identity, photography, digital renders, marketing materials and website.
Challenge: To help design the launch campaign for the first camp deployment and position Advance as a state of the art premium experience in a new market (nomadic luxury hospitality).
Strategy: I developed the brand identity model, brand positioning statement, core values, brand archetype, press release and brand guidelines for cultural onboarding.
Results: By creating the brand guidelines, the team was able to use the material to better inform their sales strategy and service design process.
Methods: Some of the methods I used to create a strong brand campaign were based out of the following books. Great recommendations if you are starting to develop your brand strategy:
- Brand Identity Planning Model from the one of the classic branding books: Building Strong Brands by David A. Aaker
- Means-end flow chart from Brand Meaning by Mark Batey.
Process: We begin the creative process by creating inspiration moodboards: a collection of visual imagery that alludes to the places, moments, feelings, sensations and lifestyles associated with the brand. For the 'Advance experience' I included extraordinary places in nature, unique gatherings in the outdoors, rugged , wabi-sabi, Thoreau moments.