““A great truth is a truth whose opposite is also a great truth”…… Niels Bohr There is an inherent paradox in everything. When we expand our chest, our back contracts, when we close a chapter in our lives, another one opens. We face the outside world every day yet we experience an entire inner universe. To sense one side of a polarity without holding the other is missing the bigger picture. In these day-long workshops we practice being with each end of the spectrum, attached to neither, embracing both. This is the definition of equanimity. Balance in all things, accepting everything, rejecting nothing is a recipe we offer for freedom, both on and off
the dance floor.”
Intensive Study Periods | movingcenterschool.com
This is exactly the topics I’ve been exploring while practicing Budhist mediation. It feels like experiencing it in the dance floor is exactly what I need to fully embody the paradox.