“Become a black belt observer and listener.
Connect to your intention and…operate as an instrument.
When reality opens up, be fully present with it – and then act from the NOW.
Follow Your Heart: Do what you love, love what you do.
Always be in dialogue with the universe.
Create a level 4 holding space supporting your journey.
Balance your talking-doing ratio.
Identify the crack – the opening to the future – in organizations, society and self 10. Use different languages with different stakeholders—connect to them in terms of what they care about.
If you want to change others, you need to meet them where they are and be open to be changed first.
Co-initiate through local leadership from the heart.
Use sensing journeys that help people to see the system from the edges and use collective sensing mechanisms to see the system from the whole.
Create holding spaces that support the team at the top (and emerging leaders) to lead their individual and collective transformation journey.
Prototype by acting from the now and regular review cycles (support structures)
Co-evolve the system by using the prototypes as seeds through linking micro- with macro-level leadership
Never give up. Never give up. You are not alone.”