Calculating the Hidden Costs of a Coffee Appointment
One coffee appointment is not actually 30-60 minutes long.
The coffee appointment is actually made up of a number of hidden timesinks, outlined as follows:
45 min to 1 hour for the actual duration of the coffee time
15-30 minutes of transport time (assuming an average meeting is 15 minutes away from your default location.
30 minutes to an hour over 1 day to 2 months to actually nail down the coffee appointment time between two people.
15-30 minutes of uncertainty per appointment. Someone may arrive early or late. Someone may need to cancel.
15-30 minutes writing up information gathered during the coffee meeting, writing intros or following up with the new contact.
The entire process over again if someone is late or cancels.
1 coffee meeting:2 hours 30 min over an average of 1-2 weeks Muliply this by 5 and you can begin to see that merley scheduling and transporting oneself to coffee appointments alone would result in an average of over 10 hours per day. That's 70 hours a week if I took all coffee requests. I would have no time for anything else, especially digesting and writing up any information I received during said coffee appointments.
via who I randomly met a friend's brunch in the park. How serendipitous, as i really relate to her point of view on reality, our cyborg selves and a new culture of human-device connection.