Every person I meet during my travels is like a magician that opens the perfect road in front of me, enlightening me with their words, caring for my path with immense unconditional love.
Carmita, Healing and Caregiving
The miracle of life interests me so much. How is it that it all comes together? how does a body remain and the soul flies away when a person dies? how is it that the ones who stay feel the vibrancy of their presence, even 25 years later of a father dying?
I arrived to the US in 2011, and since then, I realize my personality has changed. I was born in Mexico city, and although I understood english fully and was almost fluent, my oral and written expression are not completely 'loose' as they are in my native spanish. The fact that I take longer to express my ideas and construct my opinions, made my character less intense, less opinionated, less authoritarian and arrogant.
Since a very early age, I had the curiosity to learn to be in the present while seeing the big picture. This journey has led me to develop a multi-disciplinary practice that integrates extensive research and 10+ years of experience teaching and working in areas at the intersection of Mind, Body, Behavior and Design.